Watch our Spartan girls take on Gypsum Southeast of Saline (at SE of Saline) in the first round of substate tonight at 7:00 pm! Here is the link for the livestream: GO SPARTANS!
14 days ago, Wichita Collegiate School
It doesn't get better than Picnic Day! What a great Homecoming Week!
5 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
Big buddy and little buddy
Picnic Buddies
Picnic Day
Picnic Buddies
Picnic Buddies
Tug of War
Congratulations are in order for these impressive scholars! We are thrilled to announce that SEVEN members of our senior class were recognized as National Merit Commended Students. Out of the almost 1.5 million juniors in the US who took this assessment last year, only the top 2.5% of all junior test takers, in other words the top 36,513 students, are recognized as National Merit Commended Students. The honor was bestowed on 149 students from 56 schools in Kansas and we couldn't be more proud to have 7 Spartans among those who are receiving this distinction. We loved getting to celebrate Samuel Brittain, Shouvik Dev, Diana Eldika, Omar Hamada, Jalili Hemphill, Harry Ling, and Hannah Ternes in front of their peers earlier this week. Congratulations, Spartans, we are so proud to celebrate you today and everyday! #spartanstogether💛💙 #NationalMeritScholars
6 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
WCS National Merit Scholars in Front of building
WCS National Merit Scholars in Front of building
We loved getting to see Wichita Collegiate's volunteer efforts recognized at the Wichita Windsurge game last week. The Terry Brewster Community Volunteer Award is given annually in honor of long time NBC supporter, board member, and community volunteer Terry Brewster. Volunteers are nominated by members of the community, and then winners are selected by a committee. Collegiate was nominated by Rainbows United, and the award was received by JoyAnn Brake and students Charlie Gentile and Avery Compton, members of Student Forum who led the Rainbows efforts. We are looking forward to another great year of volunteering with our students in Wichita and beyond! #SpartansLoveWichita #SpartansTogether #SpartansLoveTheirCommunity
7 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
Spartans Accepting Award
💙💛We are back where we belong!💛💙 It was such a great first day of faculty meetings. We welcomed some amazing new staff, had some wonderful book discussions, and more than anything we were just excited to see colleagues who are also our friends! It is already shaping up to be a great year, Spartans!!! #SpartansTogether #SpartansThriveTogether #BackandBetterThanEver
7 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
Group of Teachers
Teachers Meeting
Speaking to the crowd
Teachers on First Day of Meetings
In June, four students (along with their parents and advisor Mrs. Harris) traveled to Houston for the HOSA Future Health Professionals International Leadership Conference. Jennah Fayziev competed in Dental Science. Omar Hamada, Cameron Cadena and Shouvik Dev competed as a team in Medical Innovation. Although WCS did not come home with a medal in either event, the students who participated learned a lot and hopefully will be back at ILC next year. This was our first year competing at ILC in these events.
7 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
HOSA Students
We are excited to be named "Kansas Green School of the Year" as well as the "Kansas Green Schools of Excellence Green Globe" award for completing all five KS Green School Investigations! We are so grateful to Lower School Science teacher Mrs. Simms for leading this incredible initiative! Read more about it here:
8 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
Green Teams posing with awards
Mrs. Simms holding award banner
We are getting excited for next year and all of the incredible things that will happen on campus! As we round out our faculty, we are looking to add a few more positions to help with our growing student body. We recently added a couple of Learning Lab positions to our employment page. Head over to to see if any of those openings or any of our other positions are the right fit for you! #SpartansThriveTogether
9 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
Teacher working at a table with a small group of students
Elizabeth Timsah and Max Timsah represented WCS at the National Speech and Debate Tournament in Des Moines, Iowa this week. In Congressional Debate, both Elizabeth and Max individually reached the quarterfinal round of the tournament! More than 600 students competed in their event and more than 6,000 participated in the tournament as a whole, coming from all over the US. Way to go, Max and Elizabeth!
9 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
Max and Elizabeth holdin their plaques
So many of our faculty are taking advantage of the downtime away from the classroom to grow their skills and knowledge in preparation for the upcoming school year. Yesterday they spent the day at the Kansas Leadership Center taking a course focused on the value of collective leadership. Among the many takeaways, they learned that when you understand that leadership is about the small actions taken in moments of opportunity and not authority or position it leads to more leadership opportunities for everyone. We are excited to see how these educational leaders foster that mindset in this classrooms this fall! #MasterTeachers #SpartansThriveTogether
9 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
Middle School teachers at Kansas Leadership Center
Congratulations to Ayaan Parikh on being named a Presidential Scholar! The White House Commission on Presidential Scholars selects scholars annually based on academic success, excellence in the arts and in technical education, through essays, school evaluations and transcripts, as well as a demonstrated commitment to community service and leadership. He is one of only 161 students to be selected for this honor from over 3.7 million expected graduates across the country. Read more about this honor in the government's press release! Congratulations, Ayaan! We are so proud of you!
9 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
Ayaan Parikh
With so many options all over the country, we loved seeing how this class spread out their final decisions. The Class of 2024 will have 48% of the graduates staying in state at 8 different institutions in Kansas and 52% of the class headed out of state, covering 16 states and Washington DC. #WCSClassof2024 #CountdowntoGraduation
10 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
Group in College Tshirts
Group in College Tshirts
Group in College Tshirts
Group in College Tshirts
We have some new STATE CHAMPIONS in the building! Congratulations to our boys tennis team, who took the team title at this weekend’s state competition. The junior/freshman brother duo of Carter and Maddox Drumright took 1st place in doubles, claiming their first title together. Seniors Rahul Madhavan and Sky Fujinuma took 9th in the doubles bracket. Sophomore Charlie Gentile took 3rd place in singles, with senior Omar Al Tabbal taking 5th place. Way to go, Spartans! We are so proud of you!! #SpartanStateChampions #KSHSAA #SpartansThriveAsATeam
10 months ago, Spartan Athletics
State Champion Tennis Team
We are excited to spend the week celebrating our seniors as we prepare to watch them walk across the stage this Sunday. We hope you will follow along and cheer on the Class of 2024 with us as we share some fun statistics and accomplishments as we countdown to graduation! This special class has 62 members, they submitted 298 applications, and received 223 offers of admission in 29 states and Washington DC! This fall, they will be attending 33 different institutions in 16 states and Washington DC! #WCSClassof2024 #CountdowntoGraduation
10 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
Large Group wearing college tshirts
Small Group wearing their college shirts
Small Group wearing their College Shirts
Group of Senior Graduates wearing college tshirts
Catch up on highlights, news, and events. It’s everything WCS, in your pocket. If you haven’t already, download the app today! Download for Android Download for iPhone
11 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
its everything WCS, in your pocket flyer
Our WCS Concert Band, Madrigals, Dynamics and Festival Choir all received "I" Superior ratings at the 3A State Large Group Festival this week! We are so proud of these Spartans and the amazing teachers that prepared, encouraged, and cheered them on to this awesome accomplishment! #CultivatingCuriousSpartans #SpartansThriveTogether
11 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
1 rated Fine Arts students
Choir Director and Accompianist
Band and Choir Directors
Last week our counseling team organized and hosted a Mental Health Panel. We are so grateful to the counselors from each division who make advocating for student mental health a priority. Facilitating conversations for our own families by bringing in some of the area's leading experts on the topic is going to make for a healthier future for all of our Spartans!
11 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
Mental Health Panel Experts
Yesterday over 700 students from Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma showed up to the highly competitive Pitt State Math Relays. We took 35 students and came home with 29 medals (1st- 3rd Place) and 71 top 10 placings! What an impressive and dominant showing by our Spartans!
11 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
Pitt State Math Relays Students
We are loving our new and improved app! Access documents, news updates, and even check the lunch menu, right from your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
11 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
its everything WCS, in your pocket flyer
On Wednesday our middle school students participated in their annual Community Impact Day. Through the Institute for Community Impact, each grade level educates themselves and invests in a community theme throughout the year. The 5th grade focuses on homelessness, the 6th grade focuses on immigrants and refugees, the 7th grade focues on veterans, and the 8th Grade focuses on poverty. These special community impact days are dedicated to learning from local nonprofit leaders, serving the community we love, and working to make a difference. #CultivatingCuriousSpartans #CultivatingCARINGSpartans #SpartansLoveWICHITA
11 months ago, Wichita Collegiate School
8th Graders
6th Graders
7th Grade
7th Grade Volunteering
Students Volunteering
Students Volunteering
Making Blankets for the homeless