Over the years, a teacher’s delivery of content has seen many forms. From the sage on a stage model to the utilization of technology, educators through the centuries have looked for the best way to deliver new material in a way that students can truly understand. Engaging all learners at high levels has always been and continues to be a teacher’s main goal. It’s not surprising then that our own teachers constantly look for ways to meet each of our individual students where they are and help take their learning to the next level. One of our favorite ways to create memorable educational experiences? Room transformations.
The concept of room transformations took the educational world by storm as teachers spent the last couple of years bringing experiences TO the classroom instead of taking kids out of the classroom for them. While we know that our students are more than capable of absorbing all of the information presented by our teachers, at the end of the day, delivery matters. Creating an engaging learning environment through a room transformation brings learning to life in a way that makes the kids hungry for more. It helps to achieve that ultimate main goal…engaging all different types of learners in a way that makes them push themselves to the next level.
These immersive learning experiences have mass appeal because of how it can be enjoyed at every age. We have had transformations take place in every building on campus, from our prekindergarten students to our Upper Schoolers, and in every curricular area. From exploring geology in prekindergarten to performing “surgery” in Lower School, our young scientists have had a new world opened up to them. And whether students went through multiplication bootcamp in Lower School or enjoyed a book tasting in Upper School, Spartans across campus can count on one universal truth: that their teachers will find the most creative way to engage them with new (and sometimes daunting) material. Afterall, one’s imagination is not limited to age, and if anything, we have found that the older they are, the more they appreciate the, quite literal, change of scenery.